On November 30th, Apple Music released its annual Top 100 charts, and ŌĆ£DynamiteŌĆØ topped the 2021 Most Streamed Songs chart. BTSŌĆÖ ŌĆ£Dynamite,ŌĆØ which was released back in August of 2020, was the first Korean song to rank first on The Billboard Hot 100.
ŌĆ£Butter,ŌĆØ which was released six months ago, came in at No. 21 on Apple MusicŌĆÖs 2021 Most Streamed Songs. ŌĆ£ButterŌĆØ has bagged Āthe record-breaking position of BillboardŌĆÖs Hot 100 For Longest-Running No. Ā1 ĀSong Of 2021. ŌĆ£BTS showed remarkable results with these two songs, receiving high rankings on various charts on our platform,ŌĆØ Apple Music said. ┬Ā Source (1,2) Translator Esther Lee: IŌĆÖll be providing you with up-to-date, reliable Korean entertainment news. Enjoy!