On October 23rd, the variety show aired an exciting trailer for the next episode featuring Jin. The video playfully highlighted similarities and differences between the two Jins, Kim Seok Jin and Jee Seok Jin. While the singer hilariously introduced himself by saying, ŌĆ£Every morning at 8 oŌĆÖclock, I drink an American. I like dad jokes. I am Seok Jin, the eldest member of BTS,ŌĆØ Jee Seok Jin introduced himself, saying, ŌĆ£Every morning at 8 oŌĆÖclock, I drink Korean herbal tea. I am a middle-aged man. I am the eldest member of Running Man.ŌĆØ ┬Ā The scene then changed to Yoo Jae Suk opening the car door out of excitement and saying, ŌĆ£DoesnŌĆÖt it feel like BTSŌĆÖ Jin? only to get disappointed when it turned out to be Jee Seok Jin. Haha also cracked the viewers up as he expressed, ŌĆ£It is a totally different Jin.ŌĆØ Viewers were left wondering which team the Running Man members would be finally on between the two Jins.┬Ā Meanwhile, Jee Seok Jin once surprised everyone by calling BTSŌĆÖ Jin while stating ŌĆ£I have an ace up my sleeveŌĆØ in the episode aired in 2018. At that time, the idol picked up the call and sounded so happy by saying, ŌĆ£I cannot believe that my voice is featured in Running Man,ŌĆØ bringing everyone to laughter. Back then, he promised to guest-appear some day in the show and now he will be able to keep his promise in the upcoming episode.┬Ā Source (1, 2)

BTS  Jin Confirmed to Guest Star in    Running Man    - 64