Sequel to Confidential Assignment (2017), the new film follows two detectives from both South and North Korea, Im Cheol Ryung (played by Hyun Bin) and Kang Jin Tae (Yoo Hae Jin), and one FBI agent named Jack (Daniel Henney) as the three team up to track down a secret criminal organization. The first poster captures Lim Chul Ryung, Kang Jin Tae and Jack casually walking out of the blazing flames, building hype for their explosive synergy as they join hands to chase down a criminal organization. The poster shares a look into their new action-filled movie as the text on the poster reads, ŌĆ£It will blow up for sure.ŌĆØ The second poster features three main characters with Park Min Young (YoonA) and Jang Myung Joon (Jin Seon Kyu), signaling their brilliant and hilarious teamwork. YoonAŌĆÖs broad smile and Jang Myung JoonŌĆÖs gruff smirk amp up curiosity about what kind of characters they will be. The text on the poster reads, ŌĆ£This Chuseok, ŌĆśConfidential AssignmentŌĆÖ will be back.ŌĆØ Confidential Assignment 2: International will premiere in September. Source : CJ ENM

 Confidential Assignment 2  International  Poster Features Hyun Bin  Yoo Hae Jin and Daniel Henney Walking out of the Flames - 30 Confidential Assignment 2  International  Poster Features Hyun Bin  Yoo Hae Jin and Daniel Henney Walking out of the Flames - 39