The artist candidly opened up about releasing his first-ever solo album. ŌĆ£I always sang with the members, so it wasnŌĆÖt easy for me to sing alone. But it was indeed a unique, fun experience,ŌĆØ he shared. D.O. personally came up with the album title ŌĆ£Empathy.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£There were times when I felt like the word empathy didŌĆÖt quite resonate with me. But now I realize that the word has such powerful energy within itself. So I decided to carry on the theme of ŌĆÖempathy,ŌĆÖ hoping that I could share that great energy with people and be a positive influence on others.ŌĆØ When you look at the track list, youŌĆÖll find that D.O. is listed as the writer of the lyrics in two of the tracks, ŌĆ£RoseŌĆØ and ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm Fine.ŌĆØ According to the artist, after coming up with the albumŌĆÖs theme, he decided to write lyrics about the feeling of love or a sense of consolation that can comfort the listeners as he did in his previous song, ŌĆ£ThatŌĆÖs okay.ŌĆØ And hoping to share these positivities, he took part in writing the lyrics. Rapper Wonstein featured in the non-title track ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm Gonna Love You.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£When I first heard the song, Wonstein was the only person that came to mind. IŌĆÖm grateful that he has so willingly participated in the song. And this was the first time IŌĆÖve ever done a project like this, so it was a fresh and enjoyable experience,ŌĆØ he shared. For the bonus tracks, D.O. sang the English version of ŌĆ£RoseŌĆØ and the Spanish version of ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs Love.ŌĆØ The artist remarked, ŌĆ£The guide track of the song was sung in English and Spanish. And I liked the lyrics and the songŌĆÖs vibe, so I wanted to sing it in the original languages.ŌĆØ Empathy has topped the iTunes Top Albums Chart in 59 regions, including America, Canada, Australia, and France. In addition, it has also debuted at No. 1 on digital album sales charts of ChinaŌĆÖs QQ Music and Kugou Music.

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