Jane the Virgin is a comedy-drama that revolves around a character who wishes to keep her virginity until she gets married. During a regular checkup with a doctor, she mistakenly bears a child of the 2nd generation of chaebol. Based on a Venezuelan writer Telenovela JuanaŌĆÖs Juana La Virgen, in 2002, there has already been a five-season series on US CWTV since 2014. Im Soo Hyang will play Lee Soo Jung, a student in a graduating class of Korean Language Education at Korea University. She is determined to keep her chastity before getting married because her mother had accidentally got pregnant at eighteen and left her in her grandmotherŌĆÖs hands. She is a character who had learned a tough lesson about losing virginity in her early stage of life. Group8 will present the series, and screenwriter Jang A Mi will pen the script. The release date and platform are still under discussion. ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Kim Da In: I will provide exciting news of K-pop and K-dramas and Korean entertainment-related news.

Im Soo Hyang Comfirmed to Lead a  Jane the Virgin  - 63