Dali and Cocky Prince, which will premiere on September 22nd, dropped its intriguing new teaser. The drama series revolves around Jin Mu Hak (Kim Min Jae), an extremely resourceful man who is talented at making a living with no interesting educational background, and Kim Dali (Park Gyu Young), an intellectual woman who comes from an elite background with a poor sense of money. Set in an art museum, the two begin to bridge the gap between them throughout the series. The teaser begins with Dali placing an art piece on the gallery wall while Mu Hak is counting the money stack in his hands. Sitting in the museum by herself, Dali elegantly starts off, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve never seen such an ignorant man who sees everything in terms of dollars and cents.ŌĆØ Though she blasts her complaints, she manages to put on her lovely smile. At the end of the video, Mu Hak, who has shown quite an unconventional move as the main character of a romance series, protects Dali from a potential threat, saying, ŌĆ£DonŌĆÖt get hurt until you pay what you owe me.ŌĆØ In return, Dali replies by adding, ŌĆ£After all, I donŌĆÖt think you are all horrible.ŌĆØ DaliŌĆÖs mysterious smile and their heart-fluttering sneak peek make us wonder what will happen in the upcoming first episode. ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles regarding K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Movie and more as quickly as I can.