Back on June 17th, Kim opened his personal YouTube channel. At the time, he shared, ŌĆ£I will try my best to make this a helpful and relatable channel with various contents.ŌĆØ Since then, he has been posting workout-related videos on the channel. And today, Kim announced his decision to do a good deed via his YouTube community post. Below is the full article: ŌĆ£Hello! This is ŌĆśGym Jong KookŌĆÖ Kim Jong Kook. Thank you all once again for your incredible interest and love and for giving me the strength to take on my new journey, which wasnŌĆÖt easy. Everyone! ItŌĆÖs nothing bigŌĆ” ItŌĆÖs actually a bit embarrassing, butŌĆ” IŌĆÖm going to donate all the profits generated from the 5 videos uploaded this month, excluding the production fees. (Because in the future, I donŌĆÖt think this amount of views will come out easily.) Since such results came out with the help of so many people, not just me, I thought that if the interest and love received can lead to good deeds, the positive influences of those who love exercising can be even more meaningful and shine brighter than ever! Everyone who supported the ŌĆśGym Jong KookŌĆÖ channel participated in the donation, so I hope you feel rewarded and exercise more healthily! Thank you!ŌĆØ Kim garnered 1.9 million subscribers (as of July 21st) within a month of launching the channel. And the five videos uploaded on the channel all have 3.14 million to 12.55 million views. His Running Man castmates HaHa and Ji Seok Jin showed jealousy towards KimŌĆÖs fast-growing channel, giving a big laugh. ┬Ā Source (1)