According to JTBC News, Kim Rae Won will take the lead in the new SBS series The Police Station Next to the Fire Station (literal title). This new drama will premiere next year. Kim Rae Won plays Jin Ho Gae, the inspector of the detective team. HeŌĆÖs the definition of a perfect police officer, from piercing eyes, spiteful tongue, and fighting spirit. ItŌĆÖs impossible to make him negotiate with him, and when his mind is set on something, nothing can stop him. Whenever he starts new operations, his animalistic instinct kicks in. HeŌĆÖs also excellent at reading the minds of criminals. The Police Station Next to the Fire Station centers around the joint operations of the police that catch criminals and the fire department that extinguishes fire. A fierce detective whoŌĆÖs all about catching the dirtbags, a nice paramedic whoŌĆÖs all about treating the wounds and healing the broken heart, a firefighter who rushes into the flames. Together, they will tell a thrilling story. Meanwhile, the series will detailedly capture the process of fire investigation, which is one of the toughest investigations. It will premiere on SBS in the first half of next year. ┬Ā Source (1)