When I first received the script, I was filming another project. I was curious about Director Bang Woo Ri and I wanted to meet her. I felt comfortable and had fun after meeting her. It was an honor to be part of her debut project. I like the movie LoversвҖҷ Concerto, and it was the first thing that came to mind after reading the script. As for foreign films, I referenced One Flew Over the CuckooвҖҷs Nest, etc. Though the times are a little different, they show a similar sensibility.В  I tried to think as comfortably as possible. I simplified the outfits, hairstyle, and makeup and really worked to bring out the realism. So I tied my hair myself and actually wore the clothes that Bo Ra wears in the movie. I thought Bo Ra would look pretty that way. I thought, вҖңThe innocence of a 17-year-old girl would show once viewers can comfortably see how I look.вҖқ I think it mightвҖҷve been difficult to accept the situation. And even I wouldnвҖҷt be able to accept it. I was curious about how Han Hyo Joo portrayed Bo Ra, and after seeing the ending, I felt overwhelmed. I thought about what itвҖҷd have been like if I had played the scene, but I knew I wouldnвҖҷt be able to do it. The age is different, and even if I thought hard about it and did my best to portray it, it wouldnвҖҷt have touched viewersвҖҷ hearts. Then the movie wouldвҖҷve suffered.В  The boundary of love first is ambitious. I think itвҖҷll be a refreshing feeling. IвҖҷm not sure who my first love is. IвҖҷll have to find (my first love) in the future. I really wasnвҖҷt asked out a lot. I had someone I liked at school, but other students were never comfortable around me.В  Byeon Woo Seok is lively and playful. So we enjoyed the whole process. I had really good teamwork with the other actors as well. We didnвҖҷt have any troubles and just thought that we were having fun together. When we were filming the school trip scene, I was just excited that IвҖҷll get to travel to Gyeongju. We traveled the city, going to famous restaurants and taking pictures at a cafe.В  As long as I can, IвҖҷll continue to improve and show better performance with every project. I want to keep doing something and creating something.В  Source (1, 2)

Kim Yoo Jung on Working With Byun Woo Seok and the Ending of  20th Century Girl  - 68Kim Yoo Jung on Working With Byun Woo Seok and the Ending of  20th Century Girl  - 70