My Name is a neo-noir action thriller film that centers around Ji Woo (played by Han So Hee), who joins a criminal gang to avenge her fatherŌĆÖs sudden death. To gain more information about his mysterious accident, she goes undercover in the police department as a sleeper agent. However, she faces the naked truth when her double lives start converging in unexpected ways. The released picture captures the crucial moments of Ji Woo hunting down the Dongcheonpa drug gang boss Mu Jin (played by Park Hee Soon) on her own after witnessing her fatherŌĆÖs death on her 17th birthday. The pictures give a glimpse at wounded Jiwoo in her boxing gloves confronting Mu Jin and hint at Han So HeeŌĆÖs transformation in My Name. Regarding the filming experience, Han So Hee shared, ŌĆ£For the first time, I found out that IŌĆÖm not good at stunts. So, I went to the action school every weekday and practiced the moves. I was so happy when I fully learned all the moves, and it was then I started to enjoy every shooting,ŌĆØ and explained how much time she spent practicing the challenging action stunts. Director Kim Jin Min lavished praise on the actress by saying, ŌĆ£I think Han So Hee found a solution on her own. I was able to just start rolling the camera because she was always prepared when she arrived on the set.ŌĆØ Source: Netflix Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles regarding K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Movie, and more as quickly as I can.