D.P. is a story about two soldiers, Joon Ho (Jeong Hae In) and Ho Yul (Koo Kyo Hwan), from a special military squad sent to chase down deserters. While taking off an eventful trip across the country, the two confronts an ugly reality that they were unaware of. The released stills hint at what the D.P. squad does and whatŌĆÖs it like being in the army. Private soldier Joon Ho (Jung Hae In), who just joined the squad, teams up with a crafty and clever corporal, Ho Yul (Koo Kyo Hwan) to start their duties to hunt down deserters. The pictures gave sneak peeks at Sergeant Park Bum Goo (Kim Sung Kyun), a great supporter of Joon Ho and Ho Yul, and Lim Ji Sup (Son Suk Ku), a Captain who is ready to do anything to get promoted. The stories of the soldiers, including Jun Ho and Ho Yeol, who share a strong comradeship, and Lieutenant Park Bum Koo and Captain Lim Ji Seop, who stands strong at the center of the squad, captures attention and piques curiosity in the series. D.P. will be premiere on August 27th.
┬Ā Source: Netflix