Happiness is an apocalyptic thriller series that takes place in the near future. The drama will depict the desperate struggle for survival of those who are trapped in a closed-off, high-rise building. Park Hyung Sik takes on the role of a brave and intelligent detective named Jung Yi Hyun, who used to be a promising baseball pitcher until he got injured in one of his games. With a sense of duty and responsibility, he always put others before himself to protect the public good, even in extreme situations where his life is at stake. Park Hyung Sik revealed, ŌĆ£The script was refreshing and became an eye-opener for me. When I first read the script, I felt this drama took a different path to approach the characters and their personalities. Because of the diverse characters and the wide range of emotional responses from experiencing the dramatic situations, I think it will give the viewers a whole new entertainment experience. In order to really get across his character in the series, Park Hyung Sik focused on his physical training to pull off the action stunts. He said, ŌĆ£Jung Yi Hyun is a warm-hearted and cool-headed person. Sometimes he is simple, but other times he shows clear insights. If I should ever classify him into a good or evil, I think he is a lot close to a good person.ŌĆØ Happiness will premiere on November 5th on TVING and tvN. ┬Ā Source (1) ┬Ā Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can.

Park Hyung Sik Transforms into a Smart Detective in Upcoming Thriller Drama  Happiness  - 36Park Hyung Sik Transforms into a Smart Detective in Upcoming Thriller Drama  Happiness  - 1