Kiss Sixth Sense tells the dizzying love story of Ye Sul (Seo Ji Hye), who can see the future when she kisses someone, and Min Hoo (Yoon Kye Sang), who has supersensitivity. ItŌĆÖs based on the popular webtoon of the same name. Seo Ji Hye plays Hong Ye Sul. ŌĆ£There was this charm of making people curious about her ŌĆō whatŌĆÖll happen in the future because of her ability and will they really come true?ŌĆØ she said. ŌĆ£I got fascinated by her ability, and I wanted to give depth to this character.ŌĆØ However, it wasnŌĆÖt easy playing Hong Ye Sul. And thatŌĆÖs because it was difficult to imagine what itŌĆÖd be like to have a superpower and how sheŌĆÖd feel when her power kicks in. So what Seo Ji Hye came to a conclusion was that Ye Sul was someone who ŌĆ£wishes to grow as a person rather than relying on her power and has a strong confidence to overcome the crises.ŌĆØ Moreover, she focused on the fact that in a sense that she might see a future that she doesnŌĆÖt want to, her power could actually be trauma to her. ŌĆ£So I tried to take the negatives into positives,ŌĆØ she explained. The romance that begins when Ye Sul sees her ŌĆ£kissŌĆØ with her boss Min Hoo (Yoon Kye Sang) is highly anticipated. ŌĆ£When their lips met and she saw the unimaginable future, she had a mental breakdown. She wished to erase it from her memory, but in a way, he was an awesome boss, so she mustŌĆÖve felt somewhat odd,ŌĆØ Seo Ye Ji said. ŌĆ£So like the title, I have high expectations for the kiss scenes.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Kiss Sixth Sense is slated for release on May 25th. Source: Disney Plus Korea ┬Ā

Seo Ji Hye Says She Has High Expectations for Kiss Scenes in  Kiss Sixth Sense  - 7