Jinx is a fantasy romance drama that revolves around a seemingly ordinary student cursed with an unlucky jinx. Every time he sneezes, things quickly turn south, and he gets to face many unfortunate events in his daily life. The drama depicts his struggle to pursue his one-sided crush despite his unlucky spell that brings exactly the opposite of what he wished. Kang Chani will play Kyu Han, a college student with the unlucky jinx. Even though his uncontrollable sneezing always forces him into all sorts of unfortunate situations, he is the last pure-hearted man on earth who is determined to confess his feelings to his crush. Eunseo will take on the role of Se Kyung, a part-timer who works in the same store as Kyu Han. Se Kyung has a pretty face that attracts attention wherever she goes, but her shrewd personality and icy impression help keeping people away from her. However, on the insider, she has a tender heart with painful memories of the past. In the meantime, Kakao Entertainment dropped a new intriguing poster of Jinx. In it, Kang Chani and WJSNŌĆÖs Eunseo are seen facing each other and holding hands. The caption between the two that reads, ŌĆ£Will we be able to fall in love?ŌĆØ makes us wonder about the story that awaits them. Jinx is a 10-part series that lasts about 15 minutes each episode. The series will air every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 AM on Kakao TV. ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles regarding K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Movie, and more as quickly as I can.