The CCTV footage came from a convenience store where Hyesung had stopped before driving the stolen car in a drunken state. The video captures him walking into the convenience store without a mask and a cigarette in his mouth. A few minutes later, he leaves the store with a lighter and a bag of snacks in his hands and gets into his car in the passenger seat. However, the car was soon seen in action long after his designated driver left the scene. ┬Ā The musician first made headlines when he was discovered intoxicated on the wheels of a parked automobile in the middle of the road. Not only did he refuse to take a breathalyzer test, but the car he was in was also reported stolen. He was arrested in the early morning of that same day for refusing to comply with a police order. Shin HyesungŌĆÖs label first denied that the singer had stolen the automobile, claiming that he had just grabbed the keys offered to him by the valet worker. However, security camera footage revealed that he did drive away in a strangerŌĆÖs vehicle of his own choice. There was no parking attendant in sight by the time he left the venue. Source (1, 2)

Shin Hye Sung Caught on CCTV Heavily Drunk Before His DUI Arrest - 37Shin Hye Sung Caught on CCTV Heavily Drunk Before His DUI Arrest - 7