First, director Kim Sung Jae expressed his joy over the completion of the long-lasted journey. ŌĆ£Facing the headwind called the pandemic that has swept the planet with my whole body, I was finally able to make it to the port. I arrived without a shipwreck, thanks to the actors and staffŌĆÖs understanding, concessions, and fighting spirit. Thank you for your hard work and dedication,ŌĆØ he commented. ŌĆ£We have overcome many obstacles, and since we did so, I know that this will turn out to be a very special movie thatŌĆÖll pour out amazing results,ŌĆØ Song Joong Ki shared. ŌĆ£Like how Guk Hee grew up step by step in Colombia, Song Joong Ki met ŌĆśBogota: City of the LostŌĆÖ and learned and felt so much.ŌĆØ The actor plays Guk Hee, who arrived in Bogot├Ī at nineteen and reached the summit of Bogot├ĪŌĆÖs business district from scratch. Moreover, Lee Hee Joon also expressed his gratitude. ŌĆ£All the actors, the director, and the staff, you guys have worked really hard. IŌĆÖd also like to thank the Colombian staff who worked with us in the land.ŌĆØ He plays Soo Young, who came to Colombia as a resident of a large corporation. Kwon Hae Hyo said, ŌĆ£The feeling that IŌĆÖll feel when I see ŌĆśBogota: City of the LostŌĆÖ on the big screen will be different from the many worlds IŌĆÖve met during my 30 years of career.ŌĆØ This veteran actor plays Park Byeong Jang, a successful merchant and the head of the Korean merchant association. He is the reason the Guk Hee family moved to Bogota, Colombia, many years ago. Bogota: City of the Lost will greet the audience after completing the post-production. ┬Ā Source: Megabox Plus M