Birth follows the journey of Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, from his birth to his martyrdom in 1846. Kim Taegon was the first Korean to learn the Western language and studies and thought of new concepts. He even practiced his belief in the midst of the world-historic Opium War. The movie will reproduce some of the most historic moments in the saintŌĆÖs life: studying in Macau, boarding on Admiral C├®cilleŌĆÖs frigate lŌĆÖ├ērigone, being in the middle of Opium War, pioneering a route through East and West Manchuria by land, and crossing the West Sea with the ship Raphael. These history-changing moments will be vividly shown with live-action and VFX technology. Birth adds significance as the production is confirmed in line with the 200th anniversary of his birth and being selected as a universal patron by UNESCO. The Korean Catholic Church also promised full support for the film. Yoon Si Yoon will play Kim Taegon and portray the character with his neat and willful images. Besides him, never-failing Ahn Sung Ki, Lee Moon Sik, Shin Jung Geun, and Nam Da Reum have also joined the cast. Meanwhile, The Twins and Twenty Again director Park Heung Sik will helm the production. The filming will begin in November. ┬Ā Source (1)